Chloe Higgins
Full name: Chloe Higgins
Full job title: Financial Controller
What town are you from? Manchester
Age: 33
What are your main duties?
My main duties are running the Purchase Ledger and making sure that we keep a great working relationship with our supplies, I am also heavily involved in the IT side of the company involving anything from implementing new software systems to day-to-day issues. I help look after our energy, telephone and insurance contracts and manage our vehicle fleet.
Favourite thing about working for Coolair
It is like a home from home
Interests outside of work…
Spending time at the Caravan with my family and going running with friends
Describe your perfect day
I love to spend time with my family and on a weekend usually have cabin fever and drag everyone out of the house with me, I love nothing more than a walk round somewhere new finished off with a pub lunch!
‘’Its like home away from home’’
As Financial Controllers I am in involved in all aspects of our finance functions and my key responsibility is maintaining great working relationships with all our suppliers, ensuring that they all get paid accurately and on time.
Alongside this I am heavily involved in the IT side of the company involving anything from implementing new software ensuring our data is secure and helping with any day-to-day issues that may arise.
As cliché as it sounds Coolair really is one big family and that is one of my favourite things about working here, its like home away from home.
I have recently got a new found love in running and enjoying doing this with friends. I also love spending time with my family at the caravan.
When I’m at my actual home I love to spend time with my family going on walks and finishing with a lovely pub lunch.